Approved Technologies

The SAFETY Act provides two levels of liability protections for approval: Designation and Certification. By obtaining either Designation or Certification, companies obtain a level of legal protection in case their technology is ever put to use during a terrorist attack. See below for a list of approved technology certifications.


Panalpina, Inc.

Approved: June 29, 2011 | Expires: July 31, 2016

Panalpina, Inc. provides Certified Cargo Screening Facilities. The Technology, Certified Cargo Screening Facilities, are secure facilities established in accordance with directives issued by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for the screening and securing of cargo which will be transported on passenger aircraft. The Technology will include, in accordance with TSA directives, maintaining a security plan that limits access to secure cargo screening areas, training and vetting employees in accordance with TSA guidance, adherence to all TSA-specified chain of custody rules for this cargo, and use of TSA-approved methods and/or equipment for the screening of cargo. The Technology includes only those locations in possession of current TSA certifications for cargo screening facilities.

Bayer Material Science, LLC

Approved: June 29, 2011 | Expires: July 31, 2014

Bayer Material Science, LLC, provides Blast Resistant Barrier Wall for Buildings. The Technology is laminated polycarbonate panels bolted to a steel skeleton in a manner such that the panels can flex to absorb the shockwave from an explosive and effectively dissipate the energy via flexing of the panels and the transfer of energy from the panels and skeleton to the mass of the building. The Technology includes support services necessary for deployment.

Hach Company provides the Hach Guardian BlueTM

Approved: June 29, 2011 | Expires: July 31, 2016

Hach Company provides the Hach Guardian BlueTM. The Technology is a system of monitoring systems designed to monitor drinking water networks and alarm in the event that threat agents or other contaminants are introduced. The Technology also includes site assessments, site preparation, installation, manuals, operator training, and service and maintenance programs.

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Approved: June 28, 2011 | Expires: July 31, 2016

Lockheed Martin Corporation provides Dry Filter Unit Systems and Services (DFUS&S)). The Technology is a blower and filter unit which continuously traps airborne particulate matter for customer analysis. This Technology is provided in three configurations: the DFU 1000, the DFU 2000, and the DFU Executive. The Technology also includes consumable supplies, and support services including deployment and installation, sample collection and preparation, field maintenance, and training.

MKS Instruments, Inc.

Approved: June 28, 2011 | Expires: July 31, 2016

MKS Instruments, Inc., provides the AIRGARD® Gas Analyzer. The Technology is self-contained system used for continuous monitoring of ambient air in an enclosed area and, if present, detection of chemical threat agents. The Technology also includes Technology-related hardware and software manuals, as well as the procedures defined therein.

Kenton County Airport Board

Approved: June 28, 2011 | Expires: July 31, 2016

Kenton County Airport Board provides Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport (CVG) Airport Security Management Plan. The Technology is the development and implementation of its Transportation Security Administration (TSA)–Approved Airport Security Management Plan, which includes physical and electronic security measures, tools, and procedures. The Technology also includes the operations and training of airport police, security, and rescue and firefighting personnel; operations of the airport Emergency Operations Center (EOC); selection and integration of technical physical and technical security systems and procedures; airport security plans and planning documentation; and, the maintenance of physical and technical security measures.

Alluviam, LLC provides HazMasterG3®

Approved: June 23, 2011 | Expires: July 31, 2016

Alluviam, LLC provides HazMasterG3®. The Technology is decision-support software for responding to Acts of Terrorism or other incidents involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and/or explosives (CBRNE), Home Made Explosives (HME), or other hazardous materials. The Technology includes product documentation and periodic updates to the software and associated databases.

Composite Technologies LLC, BAE Systems, Inc.

Approved: June 21, 2011 | Expires: July 31, 2016

Composite Technologies LLC, BAE Systems, Inc., and BAE Systems Survivability Systems LLC provide Energy Absorbing Walls (EAWs). The Technology is a composite assembly of a steel stud frame and an exterior panel of Ultra High Performance Ballistic Concrete which are joined as an integrated structure that provides increased resistance of critical building facades to fire, ballistics, and explosive blasts. The Technology also includes the manufacturing of the different components of the Technology and attendant services related to deployment.

Composite Technologies LLC, BAE Systems, Inc.

Approved: June 17, 2011 | Expires: July 31, 2016

Composite Technologies LLC, BAE Systems, Inc., and BAE Systems Survivability Systems LLC provide Cable and Piping Shields (CPSs). The Technology is composed of Ultra High Performance Ballistic Concrete and a non-combustible steel chassis that provide increased resistance of pipelines and bridge suspender ropes/cables to various threats such as explosive blasts, ballistics, cutting, hammering, and torching. The Technology also includes the manufacturing process and attendant services related to deployment.

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Approved: June 16, 2011 | Expires: July 31, 2016

Lockheed Martin Corporation provides Specialized Security Training Services. The Technology is a customized suite of training services and program support designed to train airport security personnel in the screening of persons and packages for TSA Contract HSTS01-09-D-OSO900. The Technology also includes support services, documentation, etc.