
For Designation as a Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology (QATT), a technology must demonstrate effectiveness during operational testing or through prior use. Designation provides limited liability for third-party claims arising out of the deployment of the QATT with respect to an "Act of Terrorism." The maximum liability is determined by DHS, and the Seller is required to maintain liability insurance at that level. Other protections include immunity from punitive damages. A full Designation normally lasts for 5 years and can be renewed. Any technology deployed during its period of Designation is protected for the lifetime of its deployment.


IDV Solutions, LLC

Approved: September 18, 2012 | Expires: October 31, 2017

IDV Solutions, LLC provides Visual Fusion (the "Technology"). The Technology is a system that provides a consolidated view of data from disparate sources such as incident management and 911 dispatch systems, GPS, sensor devices, live video feeds, and access control devices to allow users to interact with and analyze the data geographically on the map, chronologically using timelines, or through interactive charts and graphs. The Technology also includes training, help-desk services, and maintenance support.

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Approved: September 07, 2012 | Expires: September 30, 2017

The Lockheed Martin Corporation provides its Integrated Coastal and Border Surveillance System and Services (“ICBSS and Services” or the "Technology"). The Technology provides a capability for the tracking of vessels in coastal maritime areas and items of interest in land border areas, to detect possible threats of harm by automating the detection of suspicious activity, providing support in the interdiction process, and by supporting post incident analysis and forensic investigations. The Technology also includes design, software development, testing, training, and maintenance support services.

The Boeing Company

Approved: August 31, 2012 | Expires: October 31, 2017

The Boeing Company provides Border Security Systems and Services (the "Technology"). The Technology comprises hardware, software, and services intended to aid personnel charged with securing borders, critical infrastructure, facilities, and sites by providing real time situational awareness and decision support capabilities. The Technology also includes data, materials, and subscription services.

The Boeing Company

Approved: August 31, 2012 | Expires: October 31, 2017

The Boeing Company provides the Risk Management Analysis Process ("RMAP") software tool to support assessment of aviation security risks. RMAP provides a structured, data-driven, risk-informed analysis of threats and countermeasures which is used to assess the effectiveness, relative change in risk, and corresponding operational and economic impact on the protected system that could result from proposed changes.

Avir, LLC

Approved: August 29, 2012 | Expires: September 30, 2017

Avir Sensors, LLC provides ChemSight® (the "Technology"). The Technology is a line-of-sight, autonomous sensing system that uses a spectral analysis of the atmosphere along a collimated infra-red (“IR”) beam to detect and identify hazardous airborne chemicals (e.g., some toxic industrial chemicals and chemical warfare agents). The Technology also includes a graphical user interface for alarm monitoring.

Raytheon Company

Approved: August 16, 2012 | Expires: September 30, 2017

Raytheon Company provides the Electronic Command Board System (the "Technology"). The Technology is an electronic, wireless incident management system that allows fire departments to assess the nature of an emergency, diagram an incident, establish fire conditions, manage the locations of firefighting and emergency medical services units, and communicate situational awareness with commanders at the scene and emergency managers in operation centers. The Technology also includes system integration and customization services, training services, system warranty and maintenance, and all related technical manuals.

International Business Machines Corporation

Approved: August 16, 2012 | Expires: September 30, 2017

The IBM Corporation provides the Automated Commercial Environment ("ACE"). ACE is an integrated system of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf ("COTS") software, hardware and infrastructure merged with custom built software. ACE is designed to provide the capability to access data in the international supply chain to anticipate, identify, track, and intercept high-risk shipments.

The Boeing Company

Approved: August 13, 2012 | Expires: September 30, 2017

The Boeing Company provides Explosives Detection Canine Services (the "Technology"). The Technology includes canine teams each composed of one canine and one handler trained to provide explosives detection services, as well as associated training and documentation.


Approved: August 10, 2012 | Expires: September 30, 2015

CEIA USA, Ltd., an Ohio Limited Liability Company, provides the EMA-MS Bottled Liquid Scanner. The Technology is designed to detect liquid threats such as combustibles, flammables, and explosives that are concealed in bottles and similar containers. The Technology also includes installation, site acceptance testing, maintenance, and user training.

Harbor Offshore, Inc.

Approved: August 03, 2012 | Expires: August 31, 2017

Harbor Offshore, Inc., provides the Port Security Barrier (PSB) models PSB 600, PSB 5500, and PSB-T. The Technology is a seaborne barrier system that provides physical protection against high-speed boat attack. The Technology also includes site assessment, installation preplanning, system installation, and maintenance training.