
For Designation as a Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology (QATT), a technology must demonstrate effectiveness during operational testing or through prior use. Designation provides limited liability for third-party claims arising out of the deployment of the QATT with respect to an "Act of Terrorism." The maximum liability is determined by DHS, and the Seller is required to maintain liability insurance at that level. Other protections include immunity from punitive damages. A full Designation normally lasts for 5 years and can be renewed. Any technology deployed during its period of Designation is protected for the lifetime of its deployment.


Priority 5 Holdings, Inc.

Approved: December 18, 2015 | Expires: January 31, 2021

Priority 5 Holdings, Inc. provides Touch Assisted Command and Control System (“TACCS™” or the “Technology”). The Technology is a software suite that aggregates information from disparate data sources, including static data from databases and in geographic information system layers, the output of various software programs, and the results of one or more simulation engines. The aggregated information is displayed as layers over imagery independently obtained by the end-user. The Technology also includes customization and installation services and support per the maintenance agreement.

American Water Work Association (“AWWA”)

Approved: December 16, 2015 | Expires: December 31, 2020

The American Water Work Association (“AWWA”) provides its Standards Development Process (the “Technology”). The Technology is a process by a Standards Development Organization (accredited by the American National Standards Institute) of developing standards which set forth the minimum requirements of products and processes used in water supply and treatment to help provide safe drinking water and sanitation of a water supply. The individual standards and any implementation are not included.

Duos Technologies, Inc.

Approved: December 16, 2015 | Expires: December 31, 2020

Duos Technologies, Inc. provides Praesidium® (the “Technology”). The Technology is a sensor detection suite that processes and analyzes sensor outputs such as video cameras, access control systems, thermal and infrared sensors etc., to identify significant events that will trigger alerts to security personnel through a common operating picture. The types of events detected and analyzed are perimeter violation, wrong way detection, loitering activity, object detection and tracking, objects left or removed from an area, objects moving in a secure area, and traffic congestion.

Lufthansa Cargo AG

Approved: November 24, 2015 | Expires: December 31, 2020

Lufthansa Cargo AG provides Lufthansa Screening and Security Services (the “Technology”). The Technology is cargo screening services under the Transportation Security Administration (“TSA”) programs within the United States and its territories. The Technology also includes training and quality control audits for the TSA cargo screening regulations.

The Boeing Company

Approved: October 19, 2015 | Expires: November 30, 2020

The Boeing Company provides Anti-Terrorism Integrated Logistics Support Management Services (the “Technology”). The Technology is a set of maintenance and logistics services supporting systems or products tasked with detecting, defeating, or deterring Acts of Terrorism. The Technology also includes production of process documentation, technical data sheets, and all attendant manuals and technical documentation, as well as the personnel qualification for those persons providing the Technology.

Avigilon Corporation (“Avigilon”)

Approved: September 21, 2015 | Expires: September 30, 2020

Avigilon Corporation (“Avigilon”) provides Avigilon High-Definition Video Surveillance System (the “Technology”). The Technology is a high-definition video surveillance system that includes video management software and high-definition video surveillance cameras. The Technology includes recording hardware and system accessories such as lenses, camera enclosures, and joystick/keyboard controllers.

Applied Engineering Management ("AEM") Corporation

Approved: September 21, 2015 | Expires: October 31, 2020

Applied Engineering Management (“AEM”) Corporation provides the Program to Assist Risk and Resilience Examination (“PARRE”) Water Safety Tool Software (the “Technology”). The Technology is a software tool to assist facility operators in completing an all-hazards risk and resilience analysis of water sector critical infrastructure. The Technology incorporates the American Water Works Association’s standard for Risk and Resilience Management of Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems (“ANSI/AWWA J100-10”). The Technology also includes an integrated user’s guide.


Approved: September 21, 2015 | Expires: November 30, 2015

AECOM, AECOM Technical Services, Inc., AECOM USA, Inc., AECOM Services, Inc., URS Group, Inc., URS Corporation, URS Corporation – New York, URS Corporation – North Carolina, URS Corporation – Ohio, and URS Corporation Southern provide Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Services (the “Technology”). The Technology is threat and vulnerability assessment services including analyses of threats; modeling and analysis of threats to structures; prioritization of threats as a function of probability and magnitude of impact; defining mitigation strategies; developing security plans and guidelines, and security system designs; and other support services for security operations. The Technology also includes the preparation and delivery of manuals, technical documentation, and training materials.

Diebold, Incorporated

Approved: September 03, 2015 | Expires: September 30, 2020

Diebold, Incorporated provides Electronic Security Service (the “Technology”). The Technology consists of design, engineering, installation, service, monitoring and maintenance services for electronic security systems. The Technology also includes manuals, training and support services.

Akal Security, Inc.

Approved: August 25, 2015 | Expires: September 30, 2020

Akal Security, Inc. provides Private Screening Services as part of the Transportation Security Administration (“TSA”) Screening Partnership Program (“SPP” or the “Technology”). The Technology consists of trained and certified personnel who conduct passenger, airport employee, and baggage screening in accordance with TSA guidelines and standard operating procedures. The Technology also includes operation, training, and maintenance as related to airport screening equipment. Certification of the Technology is specific to deployment at the Kansas City International Airport (MCI).